Prismatic Oasis Mural

In early 2023, I was approached by a local arts non-profit to create a large and colorful mural on Hillsborough Street. The mural would be visible from inside several businesses in the same parking lot, as well as the main road.

We met on-site and discussed how the mural could incorporate a colorful palette, flora and fauna, as well as elements from various embroidery traditions from around the world. Other themes taken into account include the wolf mascot for nearby NC State University, and various wings to represent Meredith College across the street.

One big challenge presented was the parking lot – it’s on an incline, and often packed full of cars. To minimize the amount of time working on-site, blocking off customer and tenant parking spots, I decided to use an industrial mural fabric called PolyTab.

I enlisted the assistance of three artists and over the course of several weeks we primed, painted and varnished the largest elements of the mural in my studio building. When it came time to install, we rented a large lift and the wall came to life in just a few days! It was an amazing experience, looking forward to the next one!

"The mural is fantastic! I am thrilled with how it turned out. It mural makes the entire area look happy and bright. It’s sure to become a selfie spot!"   

- Amy L., building tenant/business manager.
Special thanks to all the folks that helped make this project possible: Hillsborough Street Service Corporation, Artsplosure, Needlepoint,
and painting assistance from artists Cindy Morefield, Ana Payne Rogers, and Jackie Sanders.
Additional photos by Danny Pena

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